Accessing the Peer Mobile App

Learn how users download and access our Peer Support Request App

How Do I Download the Peer Mobile App?

Our peer mobile app, Community MH, is available for free download from both the Apple App Store, and the Google Play Store.

Note that your organization may have purchased a custom, white labelled implementation of this mobile app. If this is the case, please consult your peer support program administrator for both the name and download links for their customized app.

Scan or click on the QR codes below to download the Community MH app.

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

What are my sign in credentials?

Our commitment to privacy and anonymity means that we do not require user accounts or any other personally identifiable information from people using our app to seek peer support.

You are however required to activate the app with a Community Access Code which identifies the company or organization or community that has sponsored the free, anonymous mental health support services that you are entitled to access using the Community MH app.

Please consult your peer support program administrator for your Community Access Code which identifies your company but is in no way linked to, or used to track individual users like yourself. In most cases, this code will have been emailed to all employees when the support program was launched, or when you joined your company or organization.