Reset Your Peer Support Console Password

Learn how to reset your password for the Peer Support Console

Reset your password from the Peer Support Console Sign In Screen

Please follow this link if you are not clear about how to get to the peer support console. Your browser should open the sign in screen for the peer support console…

Click the Forgot your password link at the bottom of the sign in screen.

Prompt to reset your password

Your browser will open a screen to request a password reset...

Type your email address into the Email field and click the Send Email button.

In a few minutes you should receive an email containing a secure link for changing your password. Please check your spam folder if the email does not arrive within 15 minutes.

Email with password reset link

Click the Set a new Password button in this email.

Your browser will open the Reset Password screen for the peer support console.

Screen to capture and confirm a new password

Type your new password into the Password and the Confirm Password fields.

Click the Reset button to save your new password.

Upon successfully setting your new password, your browser will direct you back to the peer support console sign in screen…

Peer support console sign in screen

Enter the Community code provided by your company or organization.

Enter your Email address and your new Password, and click the Sign In button.

The peer support dashboard should appear in your browser, verifying that you are able to sign in using your new password.